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Values consultant, strategic advisor,
professional speaker and author.

Values have power.
Use them well.

Erika Clegg Values Expert

"You do not know what your true values are until they are tested under pressure ... those who develop a clear sense of their values before they get into crisis are better prepared to keep their bearings and navigate through difficult decisions and dilemmas when the pressure mounts." Professor Bill George, Harvard


In business and in ourselves, values have the most extraordinary power. They ignite clarity, confidence, candour and change. I help people harness that power by precisely defining their values and planning ways to deploy them.

A snapshot of my offer

  • Values-driven leadership development

  • Masterclasses, workshops and keynotes

  • Host, REV the values podcast

  • Author, Values have Power

  • Professional speaker and writer

  • Creative problem solver

  • Refreshingly simple strategies

  • Communications and engagement

  • Corporate and personal values coach

About Erika Clegg

I help reforming leaders and their people discover and articulate their uniquely powerful values. I create strategies for values-led, multi-stakeholder programmes. I deliver workshops and keynotes on the subjects of leadership and values. And I write as a standalone discipline, as well as for all the above.

My experience as an entrepreneur and leader brings with it a proven track record of change and growth. I spent two decades in brand consultancy and strategic communications before specialising in values that power great culture. As an award-winning speaker for Vistage CEO peer-to-peer coaching groups, I support business leaders across Britain with their values and culture.

I help my clients untangle organisational complexity, reveal their guiding truths, and clear the path to growth.
If you need to tap into clarity with someone who's on your side and full of positivity, let's chat.

Erika Clegg, Values Consultant
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You've got a set of corporate values and you're comfortable they're the right ones. But you're deeply uncomfortable with the nagging feeling that they've basically been parked. You know if you worked with them you could make your culture blossom, but you don't know where to start.

Sound familiar? Then dip into these pages and discover the one sure-fire way to fix that problem and transform your organisation. On the way you’ll find stories of extraordinary values-driven leaders, challenge your own personal values, and pick up a host of hints and tips. 


This is not just a book: it’s a workbook. You’ll find plenty of room for notes and reminders. I encourage you to fill it, fold the pages, and keep it to hand as you move towards an exceptional values-led culture. 

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REV is the values podcast. In each episode I meet someone fascinating to explore their values, and how they’ve used them in their work and personal lives. It is the starting point for a great collection of stories which will be gathered into a book for release 2025.


Vistage Logo
Prison Reform Trust
Scaling up Coaches


"Thanks for a really engaging and interesting session. As a group the consensus was that we really enjoyed it and, despite most of us being pretty hot on culture, we all learnt a lot."

Scaling Up CEO group member

"Erika is weaving a huge amount of opinions, visions and challenges into a very succinct, action-oriented approach that is surprisingly simple and refreshing - and although challenging (as we wanted) now feels more deliverable."

Ipswich Social Mobility Alliance

"Erika has boundless positive energy - and this coupled with a shrewd and relevant edge makes her a high quality speaker. Her thinking resonates with business leaders from the smallest of start ups to big corporates."

Gordon Hall, Vistage Chair

"I was lucky enough to work with Erika at the IFA. She has valuable experience and a deep interest in developing and applying active values to drive positive corporate change. Her infectious energy and total belief in her subject make her an inspiring speaker and coach. She’s ahead of the curve on the matter of Ethos and can help organisations of any scale prepare themselves for a successful future."

Mark Mclennon, Global CIO, Burberry

My Values

  • Bring positive energy

  • Know what matters

  • Make the effort

  • Leave things better.

My mission is to prosper and cause others to prosper, and my belief is that everything good should flourish.


I apply these things to my work as a culture and communications specialist, leadership development expert, professional speaker, and writer.

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